
Our Ministries

"Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God." Mark 10:14

The focal point of our church and our ministries is to show Christ in a dark world. Even our children’s ministries can do this, and the power of love and grace to each child CAN make a difference. 



Leaving your baby in a nursery with strangers can be difficult. We understand that, so we have done all that we can to make things as comfortable and easy as possible. All of our nursery workers are members of our church, and are fully qualified. We train our workers annually and follow clear policies and procedures for every situation.



The safety and comfort of your children are our top priorities. We use secure check-in/out procedures that ensure that only those that you approve can take your children out of the nursery. If there is a concern regarding your child during the service, you will be contacted directly through an usher or, if you prefer, a text message.



Nursery shouldn’t just be a babysitting time; it’s a time for purposeful development of your child in many areas of life. We believe that learning begins during the earliest stages, so we actively endeavor to use their time in the nursery to develop their little body, mind and heart for God.